The 2024 STOM Laser Exhibition in Poland has successfully concluded.


During the STOM Laser 2024 exhibition in Poland, Our agent OLAF LTD represented us at the show. we showcased our state-of-the-art laser technology.

Our products drew considerable interest from attendees at the exhibition.


Firstly, let’s delve into our laser technology’s impact on semiconductor processing. Its significant applications in semiconductor laser processing. This includes precision tasks like diamond wafer grinding and wafer scribing and its capabilities in processing super-hard materials. With its exceptional precision, efficiency, and reliability, our laser technology has transformed the semiconductor industry. Whether it’s the intricate grinding of diamond wafers or the delicate wafer scribing, our lasers deliver consistent and effective results.


Additionally, we exhibited our proficiency in super-hard material processing. Such as diamond cutting, CVD slicing, and carbon fibre cutting. Our solutions enhance processing speed and substantially cut costs, offering tangible advantages to our clients.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone interested in and supporting our technology and team. Your confidence fuels our progress, and your expectations inspire our innovation. We remain committed to crafting more groundbreaking and practical products to cater to market needs.


We eagerly anticipate collaborating with more clients and partners, forging a path towards a promising future together.

#LaserTechnology #SemiconductorProcessing #SuperhardMaterialProcessing #PolandExhibition #STOMlaserpoland